[VRC] Runa Robo Heels
Due to poor support and enforcement on top of tripled fees we do not have all our listing on Gumroad, and we will not be posting further work to Gumroad!
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Hand Painted Replacement Feet with High Heel Shoes — FOR RUNA
This product requires Runa by Toriynan which you can find here:
Runa by TorinyanDESCRIPTION
Has your QTEST Series Runa been struggling to complete her tasks? Do high objects flummox her programming? Perhaps you just wish she was a little taller? Enhance your Runa with the H.E.E.L.S Upgrade Kit from Polybunny Inc. Give her the boost she needs to reach any point you desire and look good while doing so! She'll have you under her H.E.E.L.S in no time!
- 1 Mesh + 1 Exploded Mesh for Texture Creators
- 2 Prefabs for Opaque & Transparent Setups
- Tri Count - 4,824
- 2 materials; Opaque and Transparent Soles
- 4k Textures (Hand Painted BaseColor, Normal, AO, Emissive, Transparency & Masks)
- Note: Textures optimised by Default via Unity Downsampling to 2k or lower. Can be reset to 4k as desired.
- Total Optimised Texture Memory Usage: ~7MB
- 4k Technical Maps (AO, Position, Curvature, Thickness, Normal)
Beginner Friendly Setup
- Follow-Along tutorials for setup with base runas and custom runas
- Beginner+ Difficulty, easy to replicate instructions.
- Ready made replacement animations for Base & GF Runa, Reference Animations for custom Runas
Addon: NekoMekka Texture Set
This add-on includes textures and materials to use H.E.E.L.S with NekoMekka by Torinyan.
The Base Runa Heels are required as the mesh and several textures are not included with the add-on.
- 2 Additional Materials for use with NekoMekka
- 2 Additional Prefabs for Opaque & Transparent looks
- 6 Additional Textures (Colour, Masks, Emissive)
- Replacement & Reference Animations
Attaching to NekoMekka is as simple as attaching to Runa, simply follow the Tutorial with NekoMekka instead.
UPDATE 04-May-2024
- This product was authored on Runa v1.4 and has not been tested with Runa v1.5 yet. If you're having issues, use v1.4 Runa.
You must have at a minimum the base Runa v1.4 from Torinyan. Instructions are provided for attaching to Runa and RunaGF in additional downloadable videos.
A Unity Package with files for quick setup in unity, attaching either to Runa or Runa GF from base with simple instructions.
Video tutorials of simple steps are available you can follow to complete these. Please follow these tutorials for full setup guide. A text version is provided.
If you have any feedback to offer then we’d love to know! Any bugs you find go a long way to helping us create better accessories and avatars. Join us on our Discord server and we'll be happy to talk and help!
- You acknowledge that this product is the sole work of Polybunny and you will not claim any part of this product as your own work.
- Do not resell this product or profit directly from it, on its own or as part of another product.
- You may not modify the contents of the package to create a new mesh for resale.
- You may not redistribute any part or contents of the product without express permission from Polybunny.
- You may provide this product for the purposes of comissioned work, so long as one party in the transaction owns a copy of this product.
- You can create textures for the product for sale elsewhere, though no assets including the mesh from this package should be redistributed.
- Though every care is taken to ensure that if instructions are followed there should be no issues. We are not responsible for any harm that results to your avatar or model through use of this product
- Runa/Luna by Torinyan
Unity Package, 2x FBX, Prefabs, Animations, Hand-Painted Textures, Setup Tutorials