[VRC] Shkurka NekoMekka's Soft & Smooth Joint Covers Set
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Although Shkurka is loving her new-found popularity thanks to her recent robotification, it's a sad truth that sometimes cold steel isn't an ideal replacement for soft and supple flesh. Fortunately the latest developments in synth-skin allow Shkurka to restore some of her lost sensations of touch on her arms. Giving her admirers plenty to stroke.
This product is a stand-alone variation of Runa’s Soft & Smooth Joint Covers Set (https://polybunny.gumroad.com/l/Runa-Joint-Covers) for use with Shkurka Nekomekka. It is custom fitted to her with detailed texture and animation work that ensures the addition feels as if it's always been there.
This product requires Shkurka NekoMekka by Toriynan which you can find here:
Poiyomi Pro is required for grabpass transparent versions of the material to work. A basic transparent poiyomi toon version is included as an alternative. You can find Poiyomi here:
- 2 FBXs, 3 meshes in each, fully rigged and weight painted to follow NekoMekka's normal movement.
- Tri Count for single-layer normal joints - Shoulders (1,328), Elbows (858), Hands (946)
- Tri Count for dual-layer plugsuit variant - Shoulders (2,656), Elbows (1,716), Hands (1,892)
- 2k maps for 1x Emissive, x2 Alpha, x2 Normal, 2x Diffuse/Base Colour, 1x Metal Mask
- 2k Technical Maps (AO, Position, Curvature, Thickness)
- Hand Painted Textures which match NekoMekka's base textures.
- Toggle Animations, Dissovles, Hue, Lighting etc. All of which match NekoMekka's animations.
Beginner Friendly Setup
- 7 Unity Prefabs to cover all included materials. But you can mix and match materials as you see fit.
- 14 Ready-to-upload Avatar Prefabs. Upload a complete version of NekoMekka with the covers without any Unity tinkering!
- Pre-configured animation controllers, parameters and menus for Standard and Facetracking versions of NekoMekka
- Follow-along Video Tutorials for beginners.
Headache Free Integration for Custom Nekomekkas
- Reference Animations, Animation Controller & Parameters for merging with Avatar 3.0 Manager
7 Material Options
Hand-painted Sheer fabric Plugsuit
Plugsuit Transparency(For the layered Plugsuit Variant of our Covers)
Carbon Fiber
Plastic Grabpass
Bundle: Runa + NekoMekka Covers
This Bundle includes all the pieces listed above and also all the parts of our Runa Soft & Smooth Covers for Runa by Torinyan. It's a slight saving on buying them individually.
These covers fit Runa perfectly and include special thigh plates which give Runa a lovely smooth and soft to the touch appearence which you could just run your hands down, they have three included materials, blendshapes to fit her Cricket legs and so much more! Check out their page for details
Note that they require Runa by Torinyan. https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/bizccx
This package was developed with Shkurka Nekomekka v1.1
This product is delivered as a Unity Package with files for quick setup in unity. There are two main ways of setting up the package.
- Beginner Friendly, Straight to Upload. Use one of the 14 included ready to upload avatar prefabs to upload a complete version imediately, with no Unity tinkering required.
- Tutorialised Attachment. Follow the video tutorials for instructions on how to attach the covers to an existing NekoMekka (such as the ones included in Tori's package.)
The package includes a video tutorial of simple steps you can follow. Please follow these tutorials for full setup guide.
If you have any feedback to offer then we’d love to know! Any bugs you find go a long way to helping us create better accessories and avatars. Join us on our Discord server and we'll be happy to talk and help!
- You acknowledge that this product is the sole work of Polybunny and you will not claim any part of this product as your own work.
- Do not resell this product or profit directly from it, on its own or as part of another product.
- You may not modify the contents of the package to create a new mesh for resale.
- You may not redistribute any part or contents of the product without express permission from Polybunny.
- You may provide this product for the purposes of comissioned work, so long as one party in the transaction owns a copy of this product.
- You can create textures for the product for sale elsewhere, though no assets including the mesh from this package should be redistributed.
- Though every care is taken to ensure that if instructions are followed there should be no issues. We are not responsible for any harm that results to your avatar or model through use of this product
- Shkurka NekoMekka by Torinyan
Unity Package, 2x FBX, 3x Mesh, Hand-Paitned Textures, 14x Ready to Upload Avatar Prefabs.